Questions about the CoolJet device answered by our team of experts

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from technicians interested in training to be a PlasmaPen™ Foundation or Advanced Technician.

Technician FAQs

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from technicians.


No. Many insurers have specific standards/backgrounds they require and most expect practitioners to be NVQ level 3 or equivalent (although certain other qualifications and experience are acceptable – we can guide you through all of this). We do however work with a major insurer who has so much faith in our PlasmaPen™ device and our training to ensure anyone who has been successfully trained and certified by PlasmaPen Ltd and that is quite a coup. Ultimately though, as the market leader and a business with an outstanding > 26-year reputation; we perform careful vetting and due diligence on all our potential PlasmaPen™ technicians and we have our own absolute minimum standards that we require for you to even book onto one of our training courses, let alone pass. We are utterly focussed on protecting our brand and, most importantly, protecting the end customers who receive treatment with our device and we see/hear horror stories all the time of people who have endured treatment with a poor device and/or poor training from elsewhere. For all our technicians, being qualified and accredited in PlasmaPen™ by PlasmaPen Ltd really means something. It’s the gold standard, especially to the end customers.


The best thing you can do if you are unsure about whether you have the capability, existing background, and/or qualifications is to just reach out to us and we can go through with you, in person, what our own expectations are and what we will require of you. If it turns out that you’re not quite ready then no problem – we will work with you to help you get ready and do so as quickly as possible. You have to be comfortable and capable of delivering high-quality treatments else PlasmaPen™ will just not be for you or your clients.


Remember too that if it seems too good to be true then sorry but it probably is! If you’ve been offered what sounds like an incredibly low price for training and/or equipment – compared to us the market leader and even to our other well-known peers – then the chances are that it’s probably not worth investing in – either for yourself or for your customers. Quality plasma equipment and professional training have a distinct value as does the value/price of your own services to end clients when you commercialize world-class treatment and results using the very best tools and training. If you buy cheap you will likely buy twice – you’d never dream of using a blowtorch to perform laser eye surgery so why do the equivalent in this field?


The best thing you can do is simply book a free taster session with us, see our device and the others in action, and judge the facts for yourself.


Whether you are certified as a Foundation Technician or as an Advanced Technician, you will be trained to exacting standards in all aspects of PlasmaPen™ pre-treatment, treatment, and post-treatment. Every highly-vetted technician successfully trained by the expert team here at PlasmaPen Ltd leaves us as an official PlasmaPen™ artist and technician who is fully qualified in the theory, science, technique, treatment, and aftercare involved in using our PlasmaPen™ device, methodology, and technique for non-surgical blepharoplasty, fibroblasting, skin-lifting, rejuvenation, and soft-surgery plasma sublimation. We also certify the purchase of an official German Manufactured and CE Certified PlasmaPen™ by PlasmaPen Ltd and provide a full warranty.


Our Foundation Technician course is the first course you will attend and, once completed, you leave fully qualified, certified, and completely capable of professionally delivering PlasmaPen™ treatments – especially those relating to the upper facial, midfacial, and lower facial areas (which constitute the bulk of treatment for most technicians – see available treatments).


At your own discretion – and when the time is right for you – then you may choose to complete our Advanced Technician course and be re-certified accordingly. Among many elements and additional modules; this advanced course involves a much deeper dive into all of the science and theory behind our PlasmaPen™ treatment and technique plus we focus a great deal on the more complex, more challenging, more high-value, and/or niche treatments such as progressive facelifts, stomachs, arms etc.


Our Advanced Technicians all adhere to the highest possible standards across their own business and, in return, are usually able to charge a premium for their treatments/services. Outside of promotions and offers, we expect all our Advanced Technicians to maintain price integrity and not over-commoditize PlasmaPen™ treatments – they are supposed to be the best and not the cheapest. All Advanced Technicians provide us with ongoing examples of their work/portfolio so we can continually assess, validate and provide feedback to them (we encourage our Foundation Technicians to do the same).


You can get in touch with us in a variety of ways below. We are always happy to help and will be delighted to just have a friendly, no-obligation chat with you at your convenience and/or invite you in to one of our academies for a free taster session:

  • Phone: (UK) +44 (0)1704 579 800, (USA) +1 540 210 6750
  • Email:
  • Web:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • LinkedIn:


Address: Global HQ & Flagship Training Academy, 42-46 Station Road, Ainsdale, Southport, United Kingdom PR8 3HW

Client FAQs

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from clients.


No. Many insurers have specific standards/backgrounds they require and most expect practitioners to be NVQ level 3 or equivalent (although certain other qualifications and experience are acceptable – we can guide you through all of this). We do however work with a major insurer who has so much faith in our PlasmaPen™ device and our training to ensure anyone who has been successfully trained and certified by PlasmaPen Ltd and that is quite a coup. Ultimately though, as the market leader and a business with an outstanding > 26-year reputation; we perform careful vetting and due diligence on all our potential PlasmaPen™ technicians and we have our own absolute minimum standards that we require for you to even book onto one of our training courses, let alone pass. We are utterly focussed on protecting our brand and, most importantly, protecting the end customers who receive treatment with our device and we see/hear horror stories all the time of people who have endured treatment with a poor device and/or poor training from elsewhere. For all our technicians, being qualified and accredited in PlasmaPen™ by PlasmaPen Ltd really means something. It’s the gold standard, especially to the end customers.


The best thing you can do if you are unsure about whether you have the capability, existing background, and/or qualifications is to just reach out to us and we can go through with you, in person, what our own expectations are and what we will require of you. If it turns out that you’re not quite ready then no problem – we will work with you to help you get ready and do so as quickly as possible. You have to be comfortable and capable of delivering high-quality treatments else PlasmaPen™ will just not be for you or your clients.


Remember too that if it seems too good to be true then sorry but it probably is! If you’ve been offered what sounds like an incredibly low price for training and/or equipment – compared to us the market leader and even to our other well-known peers – then the chances are that it’s probably not worth investing in – either for yourself or for your customers. Quality plasma equipment and professional training have a distinct value as does the value/price of your own services to end clients when you commercialize world-class treatment and results using the very best tools and training. If you buy cheap you will likely buy twice – you’d never dream of using a blowtorch to perform laser eye surgery so why do the equivalent in this field?


The best thing you can do is simply book a free taster session with us, see our device and the others in action, and judge the facts for yourself.


Whether you are certified as a Foundation Technician or as an Advanced Technician, you will be trained to exacting standards in all aspects of PlasmaPen™ pre-treatment, treatment, and post-treatment. Every highly-vetted technician successfully trained by the expert team here at PlasmaPen Ltd leaves us as an official PlasmaPen™ artist and technician who is fully qualified in the theory, science, technique, treatment, and aftercare involved in using our PlasmaPen™ device, methodology, and technique for non-surgical blepharoplasty, fibroblasting, skin-lifting, rejuvenation, and soft-surgery plasma sublimation. We also certify the purchase of an official German Manufactured and CE Certified PlasmaPen™ by PlasmaPen Ltd and provide a full warranty.


Our Foundation Technician course is the first course you will attend and, once completed, you leave fully qualified, certified, and completely capable of professionally delivering PlasmaPen™ treatments – especially those relating to the upper facial, midfacial, and lower facial areas (which constitute the bulk of treatment for most technicians – see available treatments).


At your own discretion – and when the time is right for you – then you may choose to complete our Advanced Technician course and be re-certified accordingly. Among many elements and additional modules; this advanced course involves a much deeper dive into all of the science and theory behind our PlasmaPen™ treatment and technique plus we focus a great deal on the more complex, more challenging, more high-value, and/or niche treatments such as progressive facelifts, stomachs, arms etc.


Our Advanced Technicians all adhere to the highest possible standards across their own business and, in return, are usually able to charge a premium for their treatments/services. Outside of promotions and offers, we expect all our Advanced Technicians to maintain price integrity and not over-commoditize PlasmaPen™ treatments – they are supposed to be the best and not the cheapest. All Advanced Technicians provide us with ongoing examples of their work/portfolio so we can continually assess, validate and provide feedback to them (we encourage our Foundation Technicians to do the same).


You can get in touch with us in a variety of ways below. We are always happy to help and will be delighted to just have a friendly, no-obligation chat with you at your convenience and/or invite you in to one of our academies for a free taster session:

  • Phone: (UK) +44 (0)1704 579 800, (USA) +1 540 210 6750
  • Email:
  • Web:
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter:
  • LinkedIn:


Address: Global HQ & Flagship Training Academy, 42-46 Station Road, Ainsdale, Southport, United Kingdom PR8 3HW

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